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The Beitelspacher family is a proud sponsor of the DEC at the South Dakota State Fair. Sharon and Richard's legacy will live on with their representation on the brand wall.

In November 2019, as we were getting for our 2020 bull sale, we lost the driving force of our operation. Although Richard had slowed a bit, he was always willing to give us advice or his opinion!

While we gathered pictures and news articles, as well as sale catalogs from previous production sales, we reflected on Richard's accomplishments. He was consistently striving to improve the cattle breeds raised by him and his dad, and most recently his son and grandsons. As we paged through the catalogs dating back to 1980, we were in full agreement – “job well done, Richard.”

During the late 60’s and 70’s, bulls were sold private treaty and also at sales held at the Bowdle Livestock Barn. For a time, sales were held at the ranch and later in Aberdeen and Gettysburg. Mobridge Livestock Auction has been the best fit for the last decade. Life as a farmer/rancher is not easy and has continuous challenges.

The story we chose for Richard‘s memorial folder, Close the Gate” is so true for many. Our family is comforted knowing Richard was “ready” as that final gate here on earth was closed. With that, we have peace at heart.

God bless,

Sharon and Family

Ranch History 

3rd Generation Family-Owned Business

In 2003, a Simmental dispersal sale was held and the Beitelspacher's returned to raising purebred Angus and Simmental x Angus composites. Today, the ranch is operated by Sharon with her son Mark running the day to day operations. Grandsons Bryce and Brady have become integral help in all aspects of the ranch.

They maintain about 100 registered Angus cows and a commercial herd of 450 Simmental x Angus based cows. AI is primarily used on the purebred herd while embryo transfer has also become instrumental in the program. The Beitelspacher’s calve in March and April and hold an annual production sale the final Friday in February at Mobridge Livestock in Mobridge, SD.


Close the Gate

For this one Farmer the worries are over,

Lie down and rest your head,

Your time has been and struggles enough,

Put the tractor in the shed.

Yours were not easy, many downright hard,

But your faith in God transcended,

Put away your tools and sleep in peace.

The fences have all been mended.

You raised a fine family, worked the land well

And always followed the Son,

Hang up your shovel inside of the barn;

Your work here on earth is done.

A faith view possess lead your journey through life,

Often a jagged and stony way,

The sun is setting, the cattle are all bedded,

And here now is the end of your day.

Your love of God soil has passed onto your kin;

The stories flow like fine wine,

Wash off your work boots in the puddle

Left by blessed rain one final time.

You always believe that the good Lord

Would provide and He always had somehow,

Take off your gloves and put them down,

No more sweat and worry for you now.

Your labor is done, your home now is heaven;

No more must you wait,

Your legacy lives on, your love of the land,

And we will close the gate.

By Nancy Kraayenhof

Contact the Beitelspacher's

13418 328th Avenue
Bowdle, South Dakota 57428
Mark Beitelspacher: (605) 281-1055 | Bryce Beitelspacher (605) 281-1627 | Brady Beitelspacher: (605) 281-9648

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